15 perkara yang semua orang boleh buat saat COVID19 ni by Tuan Afnan Rosli
1) Be Thankful (Gratitude) πΉ
-The world is healing
-Its a RESET Button
-Every 100years got pandemic to reset everything in this world
-Orang beriman mesti percaya dan tenang dengan Urusan n Allah's Plan.. its always GOOD
-Allah akan gandakan nikmat untuk orang yang bersyukur
- Peluang utk kita Reflex diri kita..
- Its Our Biggest asset
2) Start To Look at the POSITIVE Side πΉ
- Stop to look at the social media, dont waste it
- Apa yang kita cakap, lihat, makan, read dlm 2mggu tentukan LIFE kita next 5 years..
-Take our time to heal (ade 7 jenis REHAT in TAR FB) dapatkan mase PKP ni..
-Best time for the world to be UNITED
3) Use this time to reset, do serious reflexion, reevaluate πΉ
- take time to see our life.. and restructure everything
4) Be Prepared mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally πΉ
- Pergi study sejarah manusia di mana ade manusia yg lain jatuh, die NAIK?
- Study this peoples! How they survived?
- Bayangkan what kind of person we will be after this?
5) UPGRADE Yourself π¦! πΉ
- tengok 8 aspects dat we need to upgrade (in TAR previous share)
- spiritual, relationship, financial dll
6) Belajar from HISTORYπΉ
-sejarah para Nabi, cth Nabi Yunus dalam keGELAPAN dll
- Nabi Yusuf dalam penjara kne fitnah
- Nabi Ibrahim dalam Api
-Nabi Adam turun ke Bumi dari Syurga
- Learn from billionaires n millionaires yg berjaya NAIK semasa CRISIS
7) Bantu beli tanah dan asset utk org berduit this time πΉ
- Bantu org terdekat, our family..
- Help peoples!
8) Pergi study semula NOTA2 TAR sebelum ni πΉ
-contact all the students (alumni metamorphosis) and study together
9) Apa yang kita buat masa PKP ni akan change ourselves after this moment πΉ
- will change ourself in next 5 years
- what person we wanna be
- Be careful with what we do, eat, see, listen dll
10) Go On Physical n Mental diet πΉ
- next 1 month, try challege ourself - No negative things or Negative vibe
- Go study n learn.. reads books!
11) Stay Calm n Stay Silence πΉ
- semua persoalan dah ade dlm diri kita, tenang sahaja
12) Be exited for what go RIGHT insteads of what could go wrong πΉ
13) Love insteads of Fear πΉ
- give LOVE.. Spreads LOVE to everybody cause LOVE is High Energy! πππ
- DOA Untuk smua orang
14) Tak semua org ada GAJI, tapi semua orang ada REZEKI πΉ
- Berjuta cara utk rezeki sampai ke kita
- if kita fikir cuma gaji jek rezeki, we block all other rezeki.. REMOVE this belief system!
- Boleh datang dr bermacam2 cara..
13 punca rezeki, cuma no 13 jek yg Bekerja..
(ada di wall FB TAR)
15) Always ask GOOD Questions πΉ
-What kind of person i wanna be after PKP
-What kind of impact i will give to this world?
Dapat sesuatu?
Moga Bermanfaat.. ❤
TQ Tuan Afnan Rosli untuk sharing malam ni..
Semoga semua yang membaca dapat aplikasi ke kehidupan kita sekarang..
Semoga kita semua kekal tenang dan Positive..
Salam Sayang,
-Dr Bungaa ππΉ
FOUNDER #TeamDrBungaa
LEADER #BungaaCosmetic
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