Bila saya serabut saya duduk diam, bila saya nak marah saya diam, bila saya teruja saya duduk diam, bila saya sedih saya duduk diam, bila saya terima nikmat saya duduk diam seketika.
Bila saya duduk diam, aku ingat Tuhan. Semua datang dari Dia, semua balik pada Dia.
Own everything but, attached to nothing. Be free.
Now harini kita rasa hati tak tenang, kita rasa gundah dan gulana, kita rasa always berdebar, anxious kerana ada attachments to the world.
Masih perlukan pujian, masih perlukan recognitions, masih bergantung pada jumlah likes to make us feels good.
But if you can raise your standards a little bit higher from that. And be free from any worldly attachments. It’s a different level of freedom.
You don’t even need recognitions, you don’t need pujian, you don’t need acknowledgement.
The only things you need is that Allah bless you with His Favour. To know that God love’s is all over you. If you have that, you are so damn Rich.
Jim Carry kata, when you truly don’t care what the f*ck anyone thinks of you, you have reach a dangerous level of Freedom.
This is deep truth. Bila kita faham hakikat hidup dunia, yang takde satu pun atas dunia ni kita punya. Semua makhluk, semua Allah punya. Baik harta, baik pangkat, baik kekasih, baik anak-anak, baik ibu bapa, rumah, kereta, pujian, kejian, ujian, nikmat, semua Allah punya.
Dia boleh bagi, dia boleh ambil. MasyaAllah. Once this is in your heart and mind. You are free. Saya selalu sebut, jadi lah manusia yang tak terbang dek puji, tak tumbang dek keji.
When you realise this, now everything that happens in your is a blessings. Why? Sebab semua Allah yang atur. His plan is always Great.
Don’t get into the trap of Ego. Ego always wants to own. Ego always wants to get attached. Attachments always will leads to disappointment.
Now don’t get me wrong. There’s no problem to have anything you want in this world. You can have anything, wealth, fame, luxuries, success. I have lots of these things also. Experience these, but don’t get attached. Letak semua ni di tangan, bukan di hati. Dunia ni letak di tangan, bukan di hati.
When you come to a point where you have no need to impress anybody, your freedom will begin.
“Attachments leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go everything you fear to lose.”- Yoda.
When you just realise everything milik Allah. Now all fear of losing, hilang begitu saja. Why? Because, how can you have the fear of losing when nothing belongs to you?
This is deep truth. Hakikat dunia yang tak ramai dapat menjiwai.
2 perkara i want you to learn from here :
1. Belajar untuk diam. Learn to pause. When you pause, you pray. Remember Him.
2. Own anything you want, but get attached to nothing. Learn to detached.
These two practices can improve your life a lot. Seolah-olah dapat hidup baru. These are some of the secret to a happy, blissful life.
Belajar sesuatu?
God bless you InsyaAllah.
-Afnan Rosli-
Love, Peace, Happiness
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